Aviation Safety Research         "Technical Research in the field of Aeronautics"
Resources for Flight Operations




"The Flight Training Handbook of 1980 is arguably dated, and while times have changed, the laws of aerodynamics have not.

Despite innovations in avionics, greater airspace complexities, and more efficient aircraft designs, the way airplanes fly has not changed.

I think you will agree that the Flight Training Handbook of 1980 is a timeless reference work, for anyone wishing to improve their aeronautical knowledge."
  - Tom Gorski 2014



When I was learning to fly, my instructor introduced me to the Flight Training Handbook.
The way he explained it, he said "The Flight Training Handbook is the Bible of Flight Training."
My instructor went on to tell me how the Flight Training Handbook came into existence. He said the FAA had a conference where instructors and examiners from all over the country came together and were given the task of sharing with the rest of the group how flight training should be conducted. The groups presented what they considered were the best ways of teaching certain procedures and maneuvers, and offered the most concise explanations of aerodynamic theories and principles. The instructors at the conference were required to defend their explanations in front of everyone, and the group then voted on what they believed were the finest most well-received presentations. Those versions of practices and principles were incorporated into the Flight Training Handbook, and recognized as the standard explanation of flight maneuvers, flight procedures, and aerodynamics.

This Flight Training handbook was developed to assist
(1) student pilots learning to fly airplanes,
(2) certificated pilots who wish to improve their flight proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, or are preparing for additional certificates or ratings, and
(3) flight instructors engaged in the instruction of both students and certificated pilots.

It introduces the prospective pilot to the realm of flight and provides information and guidance to all pilots in the performance of procedures and maneuvers which have specific functions in various pilot operations.
The discussions and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles in today's pilot operations, which are acceptable by the Federal Aviation Administration.

I recorded this audio book version of FAA Advisory Circular 61-21A in 1989 using a lapel microphone and a cassette tape recorder. My recording studio was a closet for clothing, and my editing technique was to rewind the cassette deck to fix errors on-the-fly, while reading the book. Having no means of duplicating and marketing the tapes, I put them in storage, and listened to them for the first time 24 years later."

"My original recordings sound quite good, and I hope you will agree."
-Tom Gorski 2267082CFI


Select Chapter to listen (MP3)

Running Time

00 Introduction


00 Preface


01 Introduction To Flight Training


02 Introduction To Airplanes and Engines


03 Introduction To The Basics of Flight


04 The Effect And Use Of Controls


05 Ground Operations


06 Basic Flight Maneuvers


07 Airport Traffic Patterns and Operations


08 Takeoffs and Departure Climbs


09A Landing Approaches and Landings_1


09B Landing Approaches and Landings_2


10 Faulty Approaches And Landings


11A Proficiency Flight Maneuvers_1


11B Proficiency Flight Maneuvers_2


12 Cross-Country Flying


13 Emergency Flight By Reference To Instruments


14 Night Flying


15 Seaplane Operations


16A Transition To Other Airplanes_1


16B Transition To Other Airplanes_2


17A Principles Of Flight And Performance Characteristics_1


17B Principles Of Flight And Performance Characteristics_2


17C Principles Of Flight And Performance Characteristics_3


17D Principles Of Flight And Performance Characteristics_4




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